Wednesday, February 26, 2003

I'm been told I'm a workaholic. I may be, but really, it's not that bad. I mean, look at today...

A day in the life of me:

8am--Alarm goes off, and I think about not going to Ancient Law, and then I remember that it's Kadish, and he's my favourite, so I have to go. I take a shower, get dressed, check my e-mail.

9:05--Head outside with Regina to catch the bus over to campus.

9:20--Get on campus and head on over to Financial Aid to pick up a scholarship application. Go to class.

10:40-11:50--Go to the library. Check e-mail again. Copy reserve reading. Pay phone bill. Go to Career Developement Center. Get part of my lunch.

11:50-3--At the store, where I do my reading for Carolingians, call the future AD of Moutainview, organize DTC stuff, work on the night's e-board agenda, start filling out that scholarship application, and work on my internship applications. Warned by boss not to accept any job I get offered by Late Nite, because apparently they wanted to offer me a position. Wiether they do or not remains to be seen.

3:15--Clock out and head for the shuttle. I love the shuttle. Other dorms have two lounges, a rec lounge and a study lounge. Here in Holiday we have a study lounge and the shuttle. The shuttle is where you socialize and also where you get to know each other intimately, since there is often too many of us stuffed into that little van.

3:40--Back in the room, where I make flyers (since I am working towards my honorary degree in flyerism and flyer studies), pay bills, do semi-formal stuff, check and respond to e-mail for the third time, and continue my massive amount of reading for Culture of Modernism. Oh, and talk to Megan.

6--Make dinner, which consists of bad Matzo Ball Soup from a can. I do not reccomend it. I keep reading

7:40--Head for the shuttle to go to DTC E-board.

8-9:30--DTC E-board

9:30--Back in the room, I try to follow up everything we've discussed in the meeting.

10:30--Seriously procrasinating by writing this.

So all in all, this was an easy day. I spent four hours in my room, which is pretty good. See, it's not that hard--it's the frustration that does you in. Once you get that to a tolerable level, you'll be fine.

Yeah, I don't reccomend the soup. It was bad. I had to eat a spoonful of peanut butter to get rid of the taste. It was horrid.

Okay, I will do my reading now.

(Am I still doing well, Megan?)
So Megan IMs me this evening and says, "You know what I love? Live Journals and blogs." I, being the noisy girl that I am, asks her who she knows who has one. Turns out that she's been reading Martha Hoffman's blog, which has a link to her brother Ross' blog, who has a link to Jesse Beller's Live's like a big SOTA reunion! So if it's good enough for Ross and Jesse, it's good enough for me. Except I'm no where as interesting as they are. In fact, I am rather "toast", as they would say in My Big Fat Greek Wedding. "Asceno with a toast family!" (I'm more than likely spelling that completely wrong, and I apologize to anyone who knows Greek.)

Along those lines, Regina and I were contented with the premiere of "My Big Fat Greek Life" last night. Not the best television show in the world, but it definitely beats out plenty of other stuff that is on the air these days. I kept having a major problem with the Toula character now being called Nia, and the fact that the husband is working on his dissertation. Continuation people! Don't change things up on me like that!

Oh, and I notice that people always note what they are listening to when they are writing an entry on these things, so I will do that as well. I am listening to "Hunter" by Dido, because that song, along with Marcy Playground's "Sex and Candy", will be the Mountainview theme songs for next year (the two buildings are Hunter and Marcy, in case you didn't know). So we go from "Holiday" by Madonna to one of those two songs. Trust me, fun times will be had by all next year.

Okay, this Blog stinks. Trust me, I'll try to be less toast in the future.