Sunday, May 02, 2004

Ten Questions...

This week, I will answer ten burning questions that have been posed to me by different people through the past two weeks. Y'all are very inquisitive people, thus I must oblige.

1.) Why aren't you going into something having to do with sports for a living? -Darlene, one of my bosses in the housing office

Because I don't know enough about sports. Now, mind you, that's never stopped that idiot bimbo that does the sideline reports for Monday Night Football. But anyway, I will admit I never really gave it a fair shot. I had one bad experience, one bad class and jumped out too quickly. However, there are way too many people out there who would like to be in the sports industry who are ten times better than I would ever be, so instead of facing constant rejection for the rest of my life, I kind of took the safe route. I've done extracurricular my whole life, and now, pretty much, those will be my career. Plus, you can always watch and read about sports, and in my case, fill pages and pages on my computer and personal journal about sports, even if you're in it for a career or not. That's not necessarily the case the other way around. (By the way, I still get a little jealous when I see female sports journalists--thus why I make faces whenever people like Suzy Kolber or Bonnie Bernstein are on TV. I don't hate them, I'm just jealous. Give it a few years, and it won't happen anymore.)

2.) What do you look for in guys anyway? -several people

Sigh...I swear, this spring so far as been love-over-drive. Not as in me being in love or anything good like that. But everyone is getting engaged or married or hooking up...I think this is because I'm getting older. I feel no need really to do any of that stuff, seeing that I preoccupy myself with everything else on the face of the earth. I'll run the world, you all hook up so you don't have time to run the world, so that lessens all competition for me running the world. Sounds good, right?

Thanks to two crushes I currently have, I have been able to figure out what I look for in guys. I went for a while not really being able to put it into real definitive terms, and then while talking to each of my crushes this week, I was able to pinpoint what it is that I like. So, ladies and gentlemen, here it is:
What Kat Looks For In a Man
1.) Needs to like sports. Not necessarily play. Needs to like watching, reading and talking about them.
2.) Needs to be open to the fact that my main hobby is "burning myself out." Needs not to lecture me about how I'm overworking myself. I'm fully aware of it. But it's gotten me where I am, why do you think I'm going to stop now? Overworking=who I am.
3.) Sense of humour.
4.) Ability to talk about absolutely anything. For example, one of the guys I have a crush on and I had a 15 minute conversation Friday night about doing laundry and losing socks.

There you go. I have peculiar tastes, yes. However, I think they aren't entirely out there or unattainable.

3.) Why didn't you mention my name in your acceptance speech on Thursday night? -Jeff, another of my bosses in the housing office

I blanked! Here's the back story for those who weren't there:
So I was nominated for Outstanding Non-Executive Board Member of the Year for my work with Mountainview College Council at Thursday night's XCELsior Awards. And my boss, Jeff, nominated me. However, I did not think I would win--I was up against one of my orientees who is absolutely amazing in her community government, and is the driving force behind creating a Binghamton RHA. And I was right--in the category award of Non-Exec Board Member of the Year for Student Government, I lost to her. I was happy for her, so I didn't really care.

Well, before the ceremony even started, Jeff, who was sitting with all of us MCCers, says, "Now, you all know who nominated you, so you should thank me in your speeches if you win." We all nod.

So we get to the Overall awards. The way it works is that if you're nominated, even if you don't win the category award, you are eligible for the overall award in that certain award, so I was still eligible for it overall. But there was like no way I was going to win.

Well, I won.

I screamed. I was in shock. There are pictures of me when they announced my name and when I was walking up there--and that's good, because I was in so much shock I don't even know what was going on. I got up there, step up to the mike, and totally and completely blanked.

I never blank! I never get nervous. I was just in complete shock that anything I was supposed to do flew out of my mind. So I stood there and completely forgot Jeff's name. So I go, "Thanks to the person who nominated me," while looking right at him.

A couple minutes later, I'm back at my seat, and I come back down to earth and totally feel like a complete and total idiot. The one person I was supposed to thank, and I totally forgot his name. I feel like an idiot.

Luckily, I'm sure he understands. I mean, I did thank him, just totally forgot his name when doing so. So thank you again Jeff, for nominating me.

4.) Why are you starting grad school two days after graduation? -Everyone

Three reasons: I'm saving up my loan deferment. By starting in the summer, I keep my full post-graduation deferments. Two: I have to do at least one summer for my program. By doing my summer now, I get it out of the way and can jump into the student affairs job market at its peak next April/May. I will have one class to take term I in summer 2005 because it's a requirement and that will be the only time in the next two years they offer it, but that's not bad, especially if I decide to stay in Boston for a job. Three: What the heck else am I supposed to do this summer? I was unlikely to find a job in my field for just the summer. I didn't want to go back to retail or any other job. And I can't just sit there. That's so not me. Vacation? What vacation? Why take a vacation?

5.) In what way do you resemble a 60 year old grandmother? -Everyone
I am addicted to Hallmark. Some people gamble, some people drink, I go to Hallmark and buy cards. I just bought a stash of thank you cards for graduation yesterday, and used my preferred customer card and the $2 off coupon I got for being such a regular customer. It's rather sad. I am my grandmother's granddaughter.

6.) Why are you choosing to see Ben Folds and Guster this summer instead of Barenaked Ladies? -My mom
Because I've seen Barenaked Ladies 10 times. I've seen Ben Folds and Guster each once. I am limiting myself to one concert this summer, seeing that I will be a poor grad student, and decided I'd rather see someone I haven't seen as often then someone I've seen twice in the past four months. Plus, Barenaked Ladies are touring with Alanis Morrisette this summer. Booooo. I hate her music. I liked her in "You Can't Do That On Television" back in the 1980s, but I haven't liked her since. Let's see if I relent by August 9th and just buy myself a Barenaked Ladies ticket.

(As a side note, my mom asks a lot of questions, such as, "Are you ever going to come back to Rochester?" "What exactly are you going to work as?" "Can I just tell people who ask about you that you're going to be President of the United States?")

7.) Why can't you properly pronounce the phrase, "Tore up?" -Marsha
Because I'm from western New York? Yesterday, Marsha and I were in Best Buy in Syracuse, and she tried to get me to say that properly, betting that I couldn't. I can't. But I got my revenge when she picked up a CD that said "Greatest Hits, Volume II."

"Greatest hits, volume 11? Wow." she said.
I looked at the CD. "Marsha, that's volume 2."
"Oh my gosh, I'm really not stupid. It looked like an 11, not Roman numerals."

8.) Just how disappointing was Connie and Carla?
Terribly so. Nia Vardalos was into it, but she was the only one. David Duchovny looked like he was getting teeth pulled the whole movie. See, once you make a movie of the outstanding-ness of My Big Fat Greek Wedding, anything else is really going to pale in comparison. I mean, it wasn't too bad. I've seen worse movies, trust me. And Nia Vardalos is still one of my idols--she's hysterical and she writes all of her own stuff. But this just wasn't the same caliber as Greek Wedding. Try again, please?

9.) Why did I drop Dontre Willis from my fantasy team last week? -All of the Mountainview College Housing Office

I wasn't paying attention. He doesn't play for any of the teams I pay attention to. I never said I was any good at fantasy baseball. I'm just making a valiant effort--and am currently losing miserably.

10.) Why was this week an outstanding week in terms of sports writing?
Three articles:

NFL Still Goal For Clarett and Williams
This article by Sal Paolantonio is a must-read for those of us who like sports and law a little too much. It details the options for Maurice Clarett and Mike Williams upon their non-eligibility for the NFL draft.

Tracing a Family Treason
Bill Simmons wrote a non-NBA related column for the first time in like two weeks! Score! This details watching the Eli Manning drafting and trade.

On Thin Ice
The labor agreement for NHL player runs out in mid September. If a lockout occurs, is my second favourite sport to watch over as we know it? This article from the Boston Globe Sunday Magazine examines hockey's loss of popularity. (I'm all for league contraction, by the way, as long as it touches the right places. Places like Texas, California, and Florida should not have hockey. They aren't ever going to get into it. But don't dare touch Buffalo. Buffaloians might still be into the game had Dallas not unfairly beaten them for the Stanley Cup a few years back.)

Off to do some pointless history and art history work...only 9 more days of my undergraduate academic career!!!

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